We have just released updates for our 2024 BCPS study materials! Here’s some of the feedback we’ve received in the past from the content in our BCPS All Access Pass!

“Eric, I cannot thank you enough for these study materials. I used them for both the BCPS and BCGP and passed with flying colors!” – Steven Geltzer

I cannot thank you enough – very much appreciated- the charts / tests and slides had a huge impact on my passing the BCPS. Your site made a huge difference and is very well organized. I really feel you covered the areas of Pharmacology, Regulatory, and Biostatistics very well. – Joseph Dougherty

“I would like to say thank you for your BCPS study material. Having practiced as a pharmacist for just over 10 years in Australia, I have always try to keep myself up-to-date with current guidelines, the latest evidence, and clinical knowledge. However, having failed twice previously, I needed guidance that is succinct and focused on pharmacotherapy and pharmacy practice in the US context – your study material provided exactly that. I have done basic biostatistics post-graduate and your stat study guide was a good revision for me (especially the table showing an overview of important statistical tests). I think your recently-added regulatory study guide was what really pushed me over the pass mark – that 32-page was enough for me to understand the important roles each organization plays in the US healthcare system.” – Alex Chan

“I purchased both courses from ASHP and ACCP. Your questions give the material from ACCP a run for its money, inasmuch as you present valid, valuable clinical information.” – Mary B. on our BCPS study materials
What’s new in our 2024 BCPS Study Material?
- We are now up to over 25+ hours of video content and nearly 1,300 PDF slides! Big-time updates to numerous videos (over 6 hours of videos were redone, edited, and updated due to customer feedback, new evidence, and numerous guideline changes); video updates include:
- STDs
- Shingles
- Sepsis and Septic Shock
- Pediatric Vaccines
- Pancreatitis
- Osteoporosis
- Osteomyelitis
- Obesity
- ICU Sedation
- Hyperlipidemia
- Headache
- Diabetes Medications
- Dermatologic Conditions
- Dementia
- CNS Hemorrhage
- Cirrhosis
- AKI and CKD
- Adult Vaccines
- Electrolyte Imbalances
Follow this link to access the 2024 BCPS 1 Year All Access Pass
If you have any questions, you can email me at: [email protected]
Eric Christianson, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP
PS: BCGP, BCACP, and BCMTMS updates are coming soon! Stay tuned to the blog!