It is well known that we create study materials for several board exams. I’m often one of the first to know when changes happen because people ask me how it should impact their preparations! The 2021 BCMTMS Exam changes are some of the most expansive that I have...
It is that time of year when we work on updates for our study material and release our All Access Pass for 2020 participants! The BCMTMS certification is something that many pharmacists are pursuing to help improve their resume and their clinical skillset. We are...
A few months ago, I stumbled into a new pharmacist certification called the Board Certified Medication Therapy Management Specialist (BCMTMS). This certification is in its infancy, and if you wanted to get in on the ground level, this is certainly an opportunity to do...
Preparing for the BCGP Exam was apparently very difficult for pharmacists in 2018. The Spring 2018 results revealed a pass rate of 43%. I anticipated that it would at least be a little higher in the Fall of 2018, but I was wrong. The pass rate for the fall testing...
The BCACP Exam has been growing in popularity over the last few years. This is a very challenging exam with passing rates historically in the 60% range. I surveyed a wide range of online resources as well as reached out to some of my Board Certified Ambulatory Care...