I recently took the Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist (BCGP) exam in the spring of 2024 and continue to work in geriatrics. I’m happy to report this was the third time I’ve taken and passed the exam (and recertification exam). I’ve maintained my...
The (Board Certified Medication Therapy Management Specialist) BCMTMS exam is a challenging board exam you’ll that thousands of pharmacists have taken or are considering to help demonstrate competency in medication therapy management. Pass rates have ranged down...
I received an email the other day from a fellow colleague stating that their employer was requiring them to become board certified in geriatrics (BCGP). I have heard of other situations where this is happening as well. It begs the question: Should pharmacist board...
I’ve followed the NAPLEX exam since I graduated in 2009. The NAPLEX was relatively easy from my experience and the experience of many of my classmates. The pass rate that year was an indicator that the NAPLEX was not very difficult. That is not the case anymore....
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