Z-drugs, otherwise known as benzodiazepine receptor agonists, are used to help patients with insomnia that is associated with difficulty falling asleep (sleep latency), difficulty staying asleep (sleep maintenance), or not feeling rested after a night’s sleep (sleep...
Over-the-counter medications provide easy access for patients to solve their own problems. Too often, patients lean on self-treatment without consulting a healthcare professional. One of my primary concerns with this is unforeseen drug interactions. I’ll break...
Lowering uric acid is the key to reducing gout flares. Both allopurinol (podcast) and febuxostat are effective at performing this task. However, there are some considerations you need to be aware when deciding to utilize allopurinol versus febuxostat. I’ll break...
Drug interactions don’t come to the top of my mind when I see GLP-1 agonists in use. We are fortunate that they do not have a lot of significant interactions, but I don’t think you should forget about them altogether. I’ve provided a list below of my...
Noval oral anticoagulants (NOACs) are non-vitamin K antagonists that include apixaban (pharmacology podcast), dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and edoxaban. NOACs are highly predictable and are less likely to interact with other medications, making them more favorable than...