Coumadin inhibits clotting factors 2,7,9,10 in the body. These clotting factors are actually produced mainly by the liver and obvious promote the production of a “clot” or blood clot. Let’s take the example of Afib – in this condition, because of a change in the...
Coumadin (warfarin, Jantoven) has a lot of drug interactions! This is one of the key traits of Coumadin that makes it difficult to manage at times. One case I remember was an individual with dual infections going on and they were on Diflucan (fluconazole) for a...
I have got to post about Coumadin, I’ve been procrastinating long enough! It is probably one of the top 10 high risk/high reward drugs on the market. Often used to prevent strokes, blood clots etc. (obviously devastating problems), it can certainly increase the risk...