Many have asked me what are the pros and cons of doing BCPS recertification by exam. Here are my thoughts on this. BCPS Recertification by Exam: The Pros If you are anything like me, I learn best when I have something I am preparing for. One of the great advantages of...
Preparing for the BCPS exam is stressful. There’s a bit of added stress and mystery for those looking into the 2021 BCPS Exam. The content outline changed in the second half of 2020 and so the exam going forward may be slightly different than in previous years....
Our 2020 BCPS Study Material has now been updated and is ready for release!! We’ve reviewed and followed the BCPS content outline closely! If you are considering taking the BCPS exam in the Spring OR Fall of 2020 next year, we’ve done quite a bit of...
We’ve been creating and updating content this fall and getting ready for 2020! Updates will be coming soon as they do every year at this time. BCMTMS (discount ends tomorrow) was just done and BCPS, BCACP, BCGP will be done within the next few weeks! As test...
We are adding a few new videos to our current content and am also updating numerous videos. Atrial fibrillation, asthma, COPD, Vaccines, Ulcerative Colitis, and Crohn’s are few of the many updates I’m working on for the 2020 release! The updates will be...