I try to tackle questions that I receive periodically and someone asked me the other day, “In your experience, does amoxicillin/clavulanate cause more diarrhea than amoxicillin?” Amoxicillin and amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin) can be used for numerous...
I encounter patients on a daily basis who are taking medications for urinary issues. Incontinence, frequency, BPH, and frequent UTIs are common problems in geriatrics that can lead to the use of medications. Here are some of my pet peeves with these issues. No One...
Statin myopathy is a primary reason why patients stop taking these cholesterol-lowering medications. Here’s a case scenario where I discuss considerations and options to addressing statin myopathy and adverse effect concerns from a patient. SE is a 58-year-old...
LT is a 67-year-old white male presenting to your ambulatory care clinic for a CMR. He says his wife tells him he is taking too many medications and he wants your help evaluating his current regimen. According to his chart, his blood pressure has been within goal, but...
I got asked a question the other day about spironolactone. Specifically, how common is gynecomastia with spironolactone? Before I answer that question, let’s take a look at some of the common clinical pearls with spironolactone. Spironolactone classified as a...