The NAPLEX Exam will test your ability to recognize mechanisms of action, adverse drug reactions, indications, drug interactions, clinical pearls, and contraindications. While memorizing these items is critical, one must first be able to correlate the brand and generic name. The NAPLEX will test your knowledge of drug names. This free NAPLEX brand generic quiz will help you assess your knowledge of drug names.

Important Information: NAPLEX Brand Generic Names
Many (former and current) students have asked me this question: Do I need to know brand names for the NAPLEX exam. The answer is a resounding “yes”. You don’t have to take my word for this as NABP has put it into their NAPLEX competency statements. Under “Area 2” of the competency statements, bullet point 2.2 indicates that NAPLEX candidates should know the following about medications; “Commercial availability; prescription or non-prescription status; brand, generic, or biosimilar names; physical descriptions; or how supplied”
One of the most frustrating situations a candidate can encounter is when they cannot remember what class a brand name medication belongs to. Our free NAPLEX brand generic quiz should give you a sense of how well you know brand names and how much more preparation you should put in on this topic.
NAPLEX Review Course and Question Bank
If you are looking for a comprehensive NAPLEX Study Guide with practice questions (nearly 2,000) and a review course (nearly 30+ hours), check out our NAPLEX All Access Pass!
I need to practice to become better.
I was just practicing to get familiar with brand and generics
great practice tool
good review
I came up with some memorization ideas for some of these..
Ropinirole – requip: we re-equip shaky old indiana jones with his Rope – Ropinirole – requip for parkinson’s.
HCTZ – Microzide – we ‘micro’ the HCTZ name bc its too long
Methadone – Dolophine – save a DOLlar from addiction to opioids with methadone.
Hope these help somebody