We have had a wonderful response to our previous pharmacology crossword on diabetes so I figured I try this again. With the help of a pharmacy student, Kevin Laspa, we have created a free asthma pharmacology crossword puzzle! (ANSWERS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST)
I know some folks out there really like crossword puzzles, so I figured why not combine a little fun with a little pharmacology education? We’ve created a free pharmacology crossword puzzle that you should be able to work through below. We didn’t make it tremendously difficult but wanted to see what you all thought! The main focus of this crossword puzzle is hypertension. If you enjoyed this and want a few more of these in the future, let me know @ [email protected], or else feel free to leave a comment below!
Flippin Pharmacology Flashcards are a great resource for anyone interested in pharmacology or taking pharmacology classes! Much of the information in the crossword puzzle can be found in this book of flashcards!

- 30 medication mistakes PDF
- 18+ Page Drug Interaction PDF
- 10 Commandments of Polypharmacy Webinar based on my experiences in clinical practice
Asthma Pharmacology Crossword Puzzle Answers

Can I share your crossword with my pharmacy students, giving full credit and link to you and your website?
Of course! Thank you! A book of 150 pharmacology crosswords is coming soon! Pay attention to the blog! Best wishes, Eric