We’ve created a growing list of medication comparison tables for our fellow pharmacy peeps seeking to become board certified. These tables contain valuable clinical pearls that you have to know!
Current Medication Tables Included in this package:
- Antibiotic Coverage
- Antidepressant Comparison (all agents)
- Antihypertensive
- Antipsychotic Pearls
- Beta-Blockers
- Diabetes Agents
- Diabetes Treatment Algorithm
- Common Drug Interactions
- ICU Sedation Agents (BCPS Only)
- NOAC Comparison
- SSRI’s
- Statins
- Antiarrhythmics
- Benzodiazepines
- Bisphosphonates
- DPP4 Inhibitors
- GLP1 Agonists
- SGLT2 Inhibitors
- Triptans
- Insomnia Agents
- Pharmacogenomics
- Opioid Comparison
- P2Y12 Inhibitors
- Urinary Anticholinergics
This compilation comes with the purchase of any of our All Access Packages listed below: