A challenging aspect of working with patients in a primary care clinic is patient perceptions. If you ask 100 patients what a pharmacist does, they would all likely give you some variation of a description for a dispensing pharmacist. If you are considering being an...
Teaching patients how to use their medications is at the heart of what we do as pharmacists. I wanted to share some of the crazy medication administration errors that I have seen or heard of. I also encourage you to comment below if you have some good ones that you...
The value of case studies cannot be underestimated. Case studies allow the student to learn the essential facts about a given topic – extracting the essential, clinical knowledge that adds relevance to their clinical career. When starting out, case studies are...
I’ve had a lot of kind contributors make guest contributions and when I read this post, I wanted to share it with all of you. I’ve thought a lot about the future of pharmacy. and this is definitely a thought provoking post on the future of pharmacy and...
I’m so excited to finally launch the Real Life Pharmacology podcast and want to thank everyone for the support and encouragement for making this happen! The Real Life Pharmacology Podcast has been in the works for probably over a year or so. I just finally got...
In my last blog post, I shared a story of how our highly respected pediatrician didn’t know the answer to a question. As a healthcare professional, I always want to know the answer when someone asks me a question, but I know the reality is that I can’t...