Sodium Chloride Supplements – Don’t Overlook Them

Sodium Chloride Supplements – Don’t Overlook Them

As you are reviewing a medication list, it can be easy to overlook supplements. The next time you review a medication list and you see sodium chloride supplements on the list, I want you to think of this post. If you have a patient who needs more sodium, they likely...
Alpha Blockers – Clinical Practice Pearls

Alpha Blockers – Clinical Practice Pearls

Alpha blockers are most frequently used in clinical practice to manage symptoms of BPH and probably less commonly used for hypertension. Here are a few relevant clinical practice pearls that are important to remember. Orthostasis/Syncope Alpha blockers are notorious...
Drugs That Cause Hyperkalemia – Can You Name These Seven?

Drugs That Cause Hyperkalemia – Can You Name These Seven?

If you have ever had a patient that has had a substantially elevated potassium level, you have likely been very nervous about their medication list. I really start to get concerned when I see levels above 6 mEq/L. There are numerous drugs that affect potassium that...