A patient was being treated for hypertension, with significantly elevated systolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressures(BP) were running in the 150-160 range. Hydrochlorothiazide was the drug that was chosen to help treat the elevated BP. The dosing was 25 mg...
The longer I live, the more I realize how important the simple things in life are. Communication whether in your personal life or in your work is so important. Here’s a great example of a missed opportunity due to ineffective or inadequate communication. Some...
A couple of good Parkinson’s related questions today that I wanted to follow up on, which brings up a good reminder to all who follow this page…feel free to ask questions – just drop me an email on the website, or message me on facebook.com/meded101 – I get to as many...
Parkinson’s disease management is often very challenging. Dopamine is one of the key neurotransmitters involved in the disease process so that is really where treatment is focused. There is a loss or depletion of dopamine in Parkinson’s and treatment...
Per request, I’m going to tackle some constipation. YES! Constipation is a massive topic especially in the elderly with many disease states that can contribute as well as many medications. I frequently see patients on 2, 3, or 4 different laxatives at a time....
I’ve been asked to discuss the relationship between Digoxin levels and potassium…so I will. Digoxin toxicity was discussed earlier this week, and obviously the kidney plays a big role in both digoxin levels and potassium homeostasis. Individuals with low potassium may...