This post on Hot Flashes and Breast Cancer was donated by Jiamin Liau, a clinical pharmacist from across the world in Australia. Thanks for your contribution! In patients with cancer, hot flashes and night sweats may be caused by the tumor, its treatment, or other...
Extended release products are a common method to deliver medications. There are certainly advantages to having medications delivered via this method, but there are also certain instances where this may not be advantageous. I’ll discuss some of the challenges...
I’ve spent quite a bit of time working in behavioral health on medication related questions. One question that has come up a few different times is genetic testing and antidepressants. Many antidepressants are metabolized by the enzyme CYP2D6. Let’s...
I have been asked about medication absorption in gastric bypass surgery a fair number of times. It can be a very challenging topic to navigate. In patients who have had gastric bypass, there is definitely potential for drugs to be inadequately absorbed. In...
Pharmacist Sue Paul is part of a group putting together a conference on being creative in pharmacy practice. She has donated the following guest post, and I would encourage you to check out the Medipreneurs conference to see if it might be a good fit for you! Patient...
Valproic acid for migraines isn’t generally the first line prophylactic agent as there are a few other agents that can be utilized. There are also other indications for valproic acid like bipolar disorder, and seizures. When using valproic acid for migraines...