In practice, many patients become overwhelmed by polypharmacy. A diagnosis of COPD or asthma can significantly increase the medication administration burden. I’ve heard many patients report that they are taking “too many inhalers.” The basic strategy to remedy...
There are many medications that falsely raise creatinine. This can be indicative of worsening renal function, but in some situations, it may not be an issue at all. Here’s a case scenario where we look at medications that can falsely raise creatinine by...
I was asked about the clinical of thiazides and hyperglycemia. To be honest, studies aren’t that great surrounding this question, and the main ones I’m aware of and could find were very old. Here’s a quick breakdown of a couple of studies on the risk...
I got asked a question the other day about spironolactone. Specifically, how common is gynecomastia with spironolactone? Before I answer that question, let’s take a look at some of the common clinical pearls with spironolactone. Spironolactone classified as a...
Melatonin is a supplement that is most often used for insomnia. I see patients take this supplement on a daily and it is also a frequent recommendation of many providers. Here are a few melatonin clinical pearls that I would recommend you pay attention to when you see...
In the ambulatory care and geriatrics space, I see magnesium supplements used on a fairly frequent basis in practice. Here are a few magnesium clinical pearls that I’ve picked up along the way. Drugs That Cause Magnesium Deficiency There are a few no doubters...