I’ve had some wonderful guest posts in the past and I couldn’t help but notice this awesome post on LinkedIn from a fellow pharmacist! April Oliveros is the author of this quick hitter on “Does Every Patient On Anticoagulation Need a PPI?” You...
Reducing diabetes medications in geriatric patients with low A1c involves careful consideration of the risks and benefits of continued intensive glycemic control. In older adults, particularly those with multiple comorbidities, frailty, or limited life expectancy,...
Fosfomycin is an antibiotic (discovered in 1969) that has been making a resurgence in popularity in the last few years due to its activity against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Currently, it is a treatment option for women with uncomplicated urinary...
Methenamine is a medication used for urinary tract infection (UTI) prophylaxis, however, it is not considered a traditional antibiotic. It works by acidifying the urine and essentially making it sterile by killing off existing bacteria in the urinary tract and...
Insulin icodec may have a new competitor in the near future. Insulin efsitora is another once-weekly insulin currently undergoing phase 3 clinical trials, with Lilly’s 3rd phase being termed the QWINT trials (Once Weekly (QW) Insulin Therapy (INT)). These trials are...
Two tests are commonly used in asthma assessments to monitor symptom control and airflow and this blog post will discuss their use and how they determine appropriate treatment options. Important tests pharmacists should know include the Asthma Control Test and a Peak...