Integrase inhibitors have become a mainstay in many HIV patients’ medication regimens. While this is a very important drug class in the management of HIV, one should be aware that there are numerous drug interactiosn to be aware of. In this post, I will lay out...
Antibiotics are an essential tool to treat infections. I’ve seen a lot of drug interactions involving antibiotics that have led to anything from treatment failure to drug toxicity. In this blog post, I share my top 5 antibiotic drug interactions you are likely...
I was recently asked about the use of vaccines and adalimumab (Humira). More specifically, can we give vaccines if the patient is taking a biologic agent like adalimumab? It isn’t a simple yes or no answer as it depends upon the type of vaccine. More...
To be 100% transparent, I have never personally seen a case of tendon rupture that was likely due to quinolones. I have heard of one from another colleague. It is a very rare adverse effect that has been reported in numerous case studies. What I want you to be aware...
As much as I would like to say I’ve never seen a patient have a pressure ulcer infection, I have. Pressure ulcer infections can be an issue in my geriatric population. There are numerous clinical pearls to remember in managing these types of infections. First...
Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) has historically been used on a regular basis for urinary tract infections. That frequency of use changed a few years back when the boxed warnings for serious adverse effects came out. I wanted to provide my top ciprofloxacin clinical pearls that...