Statins are one of the most commonly prescribed medications to help reduce cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke. I’ve been asked the question a few different times about why we should choose a hydrophilic versus a...
Apixaban (Eliquis) is a somewhat newer anticoagulant. While it is tempting to utilize the “set it and forget it” mindset with dosing, we must remember that there are a few reasons that we might have to make apixaban dose adjustments. Apixaban dose...
Should we use cilostazol in heart failure? A 68 year old male smoker has a past medical history of peripheral vascular disease, cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction X2, osteoarthritis, CHF and constipation. He has an extensive medication list that includes;...
There is always a huge challenge in navigating CHF and CKD in our patients. Use of diuretics and ACE inhibitors can be life altering in a very good way for patients who have fluid overload. The difficulty lies in keeping an adequate perfusion to the kidney. A 69 year...
Managing resistant hypertension can be very challenging. There are lots of factors that can go into raising blood pressure and as a pharmacist, we need to remember a what some of those factors are. Here’s a few questions I think about when I encounter a...
Drug interactions is one thing that pharmacists need to be experts at managing. Gemfibrozil and statins present an interesting drug interaction that needs to be addressed. How should we address the interaction? Do other alternatives exist? Other alternatives to the...