Chlorthalidone Versus Hydrochlorothiazide – A Comparison

Chlorthalidone Versus Hydrochlorothiazide – A Comparison

Chlorthalidone and hydrochlorothiazide (podcast) are both thiazide diuretics. They are primarily used in the management of hypertension and occasionally for the management of edema. Hypokalemia, frequent urination, and risk for dehydration are all common adverse...
Thiazides and Hyperglycemia – Is It Significant?

Thiazides and Hyperglycemia – Is It Significant?

I was asked about the clinical of thiazides and hyperglycemia. To be honest, studies aren’t that great surrounding this question, and the main ones I’m aware of and could find were very old. Here’s a quick breakdown of a couple of studies on the risk...