The decision to discontinue anti-platelet medications is a challenging one. Antiplatelet therapy is something I see everyday in practice. Aspirin and clopidogrel are the two most common medications I see utilized. What’s often the greatest challenge with these...
We all know the negatives of warfarin, but lets take a look at the advantages of warfarin. NOACs are gaining in popularity, no doubt about that. No matter which anticoagulant we are using, we must recognize that there are always positives and negatives. It is...
You will find a comparison of warfarin and NOACS below. Both medication classes are frequently used in practice and a familiarity with these agents is necessary for any practicing pharmacist. A huge thank you to Aisha Shokoya for putting the majority of this table...
There’s a lot that goes into selecting beta blocking agents. In pharmacy school we’ve learned that beta blockers fall into two major categories with respect to their pharmacotherapeutic properties: Selective (B1) and nonselective (B1,B2) beta antagonists....
There are lots of blood pressure medication option in the ambulatory setting which begs the question: How do we select the right one? There are lots of things to think about. Here’s a list of four really important factors you need to consider. Compelling...
ACE Inhibitors are one of the most commonly prescribed medications for hypertension. ACE Inhibitors do have precautions, contraindications, and rug interactions that we need to be aware of. Here’s a list of a few important clinical pearls that need to be...