Free Download – 2022 Diabetes Guidelines Cheat Sheet
I recently blogged about my thoughts on the new diabetes guidelines. After that post, my friend Derek Borkowski who is the founder of messaged me to offer followers of the Meded101 blog a...
Comparison of Fish Oil Products For Pharmacists
The interest surrounding fish oil products has been around for decades, and we are still learning about many of their mechanisms and potential benefits. In the post below, we provide a comparison of...
Reducing Polypharmacy in BPH
BPH is a common problem as our male patients age. Symptoms of urinary retention and frequency can often be very problematic for patients which results in the use of medications. We also run into...
Minimizing Anticholinergic Adverse Effects – Case Study
If you work in geriatrics to any extent at all, you're likely familiar with anticholinergic activity. If you've learned anything, you know that more is NOT better when it comes to anticholinergic...
Pharmacist’s Guide to Infertility Medications – Comparison Table Included
As a pharmacist, it is critical to recognize that infertility is a significant problem. There are a variety of causes and etiologies for female infertility, many of which remain unknown. Almost 13%...
Urinary Incontinence – Case Study
KE is a 79 year old female who is complaining of an increase in urinary incontinence. Specifically, frequent urination has been a problem with small amounts of leakage. She is wondering what...
Which Supplement Should I Take? Questions to Consider When Patients Want to Take Supplements
I have had a fair number of consults from providers who are referring patients who would like to take supplements or are currently taking supplements. In my humble opinion, no healthcare...
Drug of Choice for Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) – Case Study
JE is a 71-year-old female with a history of Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR), osteoporosis, GERD, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Her current medications include: Alendronate 70 mg weeklyPrednisone...
Gabapentin and Renal Function – Case Scenario
In this case scenario, I discuss gabapentin and renal function. A 77-year-old female has a history of neuropathy, CHF, GERD, OA, and anxiety. She reports that she feels more sedated of late and that...
Lasmiditan Versus Triptans
Lasmiditan (Reyvow) is an agent that can be utilized for acute migraine treatment. It works slightly differently than triptans. While triptans target serotonin receptor subtypes 1B and 1D,...