Reducing Polypharmacy in BPH

Reducing Polypharmacy in BPH

BPH is a common problem as our male patients age. Symptoms of urinary retention and frequency can often be very problematic for patients which results in the use of medications. We also run into...

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Urinary Incontinence – Case Study

Urinary Incontinence – Case Study

KE is a 79 year old female who is complaining of an increase in urinary incontinence. Specifically, frequent urination has been a problem with small amounts of leakage. She is wondering what...

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Lasmiditan Versus Triptans

Lasmiditan Versus Triptans

Lasmiditan (Reyvow) is an agent that can be utilized for acute migraine treatment. It works slightly differently than triptans. While triptans target serotonin receptor subtypes 1B and 1D,...

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Study Materials For Pharmacists


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