Morphine Versus Oxycodone Comparison
I frequently work with patients and caregivers who are managing patients at the end of life and in hospice-type situations. Knowing and understanding differences between common opioids is critical...
COPD Case Review
KE is a 66-year-old male with a history of cigarette smoking (still currently smoking), COPD, atrial fibrillation, hypertension, osteoarthritis, and GERD. In this COPD case review, he reports that...
Clinical Practice Pearls – Bipolar Medications
Bipolar disorder medications contain a treasure trove of clinical pearls that a clinical pharmacist must know. Many of the frequently used medications have numerous clinical quirks that may...
3 Proper Causes of The Prescribing Cascade
In most clinical situations, I'm a stickler for trying to prevent the prescribing cascade. I lay out hundreds of polypharmacy case examples including the prescribing cascade in my highly rated book...
Free ADHD Medication Comparison PDF
If you are anything like me, it is difficult to keep up with everything. ADHD is one of those areas that I don't help with very frequently from a clinical standpoint. I love useful resources when I...
Abbreviation Error – HLD
I've come across many medication errors in my years of clinical practice. I've compiled a list of patient and healthcare professional mistakes and wanted to share another one that I've seen. The...
Estrogen Dosing With Oral Contraceptives
Estrogen dosing with oral contraceptives can be a challenging issue that may feel overwhelming to many clinicians. The most common synthetic estrogen analog is ethinyl estradiol. In this article,...
Sulfasalazine Clinical Pearls
Sulfasalazine is classified as a DMARD (Disease-modifying antirheumatic drug) as well as a 5-aminosalicylic acid derivative. The most common use in clinical practice that I've seen sulfasalazine...
Comparing Venlafaxine Versus Desvenlafaxine
In comparing (Effexor) venlafaxine versus desvenlafaxine (Pristiq), you can't help but start with pharmacokinetics. As you gander at the names of the drugs, it's hard not to notice that they are...
Polypharmacy Case Study – Prednisone, NSAIDs, and More!
LT is a 67-year-old white male presenting to your ambulatory care clinic for a CMR. He says his wife tells him he is taking too many medications and he wants your help evaluating his current...