What The NAPLEX 2022 Pass Rate Tells Us About 2023
I've followed the NAPLEX exam since I graduated in 2009. The NAPLEX was relatively easy from my experience and the experience of many of my classmates. The pass rate that year was an indicator that...
Trazodone For Dementia Related Agitation
Trazodone (podcast) is part of a class of antidepressants known as triazolopyridines. I am seeing trazodone for dementia related agitation in my practice and wanted to get a quick review of how...
Top 10 Drugs Affected By Renal Function
The kidney plays many vital roles in the body. One of those roles is to eliminate medications and their metabolites. When the kidney is not functioning well, drugs are eliminated from the body at a...
I. AM. THE. DOCTOR. – Story From The Front Lines
This article was originally written by Christine Meyer, MD and I found this story too good not to share. I'm appreciative to her for letting me share it. Deprescribing and dose reductions require...
Top 5 Heart Failure Clinical Trials of All Time
Heart failure is a disease state that requires a significant number of medications. Guideline-based standards of care now include numerous medications. How did we get there? I outline my top 5 heart...
Atomoxetine Versus Stimulants in ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder in children, occurring almost twice as often in boys compared to girls. The most observed symptoms are...
Free Nursing Pharmacology Questions
With some help from some great students, I have put together a few hundred free nursing pharmacology questions. There is no sign up required. I just wanted to provide a resource to my nursing...
Top 10 Drug Interactions – My List
There are literally thousands of drug interactions so I had my work cut out to try to narrow down the list to the top 10. In this post, I outline my list of the top 10 drug interactions. This is...
Tardive Dyskinesia Therapies
Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a movement disorder that can cause repetitive, uncontrolled muscle movements in the face, neck, arms, and legs. In this article, we provide an update on tardive dyskinesia...
Top 5 All-Time Hypertension Clinical Trials
In this article, we lay out our top 5 all-time hypertension clinical trials. If you remember previously, we covered the top 5 landmark clinical trials in hyperlipidemia. It was a tough call with...