BIG Change to the Real Life Pharmacology Podcast! Asthma Pharmacology Q&A With Clinical Pharmacist and Expert Beth Zerr, PharmD, BCACP
I'm so excited to try something different today and interview one of my great friends! Beth Zerr, PharmD, BCACP was able to share some wisdom on one of the topic areas that she teaches to not only...
Why Is Bexagliflozin The Cheapest SGLT-2 Inhibitor?
A few months back, I compared one of the newest SGLT2 inhibitors in bexagliflozin to the other agents in this class of medication. To sum up my analysis, bexagliflozin provided nothing significantly...
ACE Inhibitor Comparison Table
ACE Inhibitors have been a workhorse in managing blood pressure for years. While lisinopril is the most commonly used agent that I see in practice, I thought it would be helpful to put together an...
Medications That Cause Low Blood Pressure (Non-Antihypertensives)
One of the most common medication review requests I get from clinical staff in long term care and assisted living facilities is identifying medications that may be contributing to falls. Identifying...
As Cheap As Amazon Will Let Me! PTCB Crossword Puzzle Book!
The Enjoyable Way To Study For The PTCB Exam! Introducing our new PTCB Crossword Puzzle Book! Great gift for any pharmacy technician or aspiring pharmacy student! We are excited to release a brand...
My Top 5 Ciprofloxacin Clinical Pearls
Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) has historically been used on a regular basis for urinary tract infections. That frequency of use changed a few years back when the boxed warnings for serious adverse effects...
Top 5 Drugs That Contribute To Failure To Thrive In The Elderly
Failure to thrive in the elderly is a common syndrome I have encountered in my work as a clinical pharmacist working with geriatric patients. The National Institute of Aging describes failure to...
Polypharmacy Case Study – Sleepers, Diabetes, and More
In this polypharmacy case study, we review a medication list and try to identify areas to reduce medications and avoid adverse reactions. EK is a 66-year-old female with a past medical history of...
Old School Brand/Generic Crossword Puzzle
I know some folks out there really like crossword puzzles, so I figured why not combine a little fun with a little pharmacology education? I’ve created a free brand/generic crossword puzzle that you...
Top 5 Reasons To Avoid Gabapentin
Gabapentin is a frequently used medication for neuropathy, RLS, and various other pain syndromes. In this article, I discuss my top 5 reasons to avoid gabapentin use and pick an alternative....