We hope you enjoy this crossword puzzle focused on the Beers Criteria. If you are struggling to answer any of the clues, you can find the answers at the end of this post!
We have an entire book of pharmacology crossword puzzles and people are loving them! This book will be excellent for anyone looking to refresh their pharmacology knowledge or those going through nursing, pharmacy, NP, PA, or med school. Here’s the link to check out that book!

We also have a crossword puzzle book put together for pharmacy technicians. You can find that link here.

If you are looking for more content on geriatrics, check out our BCGP study materials! In addition to our BCGP study materials, our Insider’s Guide to Long Term Care Consulting may also be of interest!

Loved the crossword puzzle and greatly appreciate the concise and relevant material you consistently present!! I used meded101 to prepare for the BCGP and passed first time!! Thank you and keep up the great work you do for our profession!!
Thank you so much for the kind words! Greatly appreciated! Congrats to you on passing your exam, that is a tough one for sure! Best wishes, Eric