Two tests are commonly used in asthma assessments to monitor symptom control and airflow and this blog post will discuss their use and how they determine appropriate treatment options. Important tests pharmacists should know include the Asthma Control Test and a Peak...
Anemia is a blood disorder that has an impact on the red blood cells. Many different types of anemia can exist in patients. In this post, we are going to discuss pernicious anemia. What is Pernicious Anemia? Pernicious anemia is a very rare autoimmune disorder...
There are two agents that are frequently used in alcohol use disorder. Acamprosate and naltrexone have distinct advantages and disadvantages in the treatment of alcohol use disorder. In this article, we will compare the clinical benefits and risks of acamprosate vs...
Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB) is a type of dementia grouped under the term “Lewy Body Dementia” along with Parkinson Disease with Dementia (PDD)1. The main symptoms of DLB are parkinsonism, REM sleep disorder, visual hallucinations, and changes in cognition2. There...
One of the last hurdles in becoming a licensed pharmacist is the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX). NABP recently released information on what to expect for those taking the NAPLEX exam on or after May 1st, 2025. There are some significant...